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duminică, 6 februarie 2011

History of Ancient Egypt

Misr, Egypt's official Arabic name, is of Semitic origin, probably meaning 'country' or 'a state'. Egypt name has its origins in the Latin word Aegyptus derived from ancient Greek Αἴγύπτος "aiguptos, which in turn is derived from the ancient Egyptian phrase ḥwt-k3-PTH (Hut ka Ptah"), the name of a temple of the god Ptah at Memphis . [citation needed]

The regularity and richness of the Nile overflows and isolation caused by some eastern and western deserts, have led to the development of one of the most important civilizations of antiquity. Nile Valley, close between high and rocky shores, has forged several millennia before our era an ancient Mediterranean civilization of the world, that of Ancient Egypt. She shows us the oldest country in the world, above all others, endowed with an administration, a tax, justice and the army were comparable to those born later in countries on all continents, before and after our era. But the world of ancient Egypt has conceived a brilliant spiritual culture that admired the ancient Greeks and Romans and wondered where the crowds of tourists are now to contemplate the temples, pyramids and obelisks erected by the Pharaohs and their subjects.
First UK was founded by King Menes, around 3200 BC, was ruled by many dynasties almost three millennia. Pharaoh Ramses Under Tutmes and by the conquest of Africa and Asia, Egypt becomes an empire. The last native dynasty fell under the domination of the Persians in 595 BC and then conquered by Alexander the Great in 320 BC Sphinx and Pyramid of Cheops at Giza
Egyptian art and monuments not only attracted by huge and mysterious beauty of their beauty and enigmatic ancient Greeks and Romans as we, today, travelers would come to find culture, especially in Egypt, "Egyptian wisdom" that they knew a Thales, Pythagoras, Herodotus, Plato, Solon, Licurg or Plutarch.
The Arabs conquered Alexandria in 641 and 646 completing the Muslim conquest of Egypt and ending 975 years of Greco-Roman rule over Egypt.

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